
& Consulting

Empowering Change in Women’s Sports & Exercise Health Through Education and Strategy.

Providing specialized workshops and consulting to elevate women’s health in physical activity, sports & beyond.

Service Descriptions

  • Workshops & Masterclasses

    - Interactive, hands-on sessions covering topics like “Menstrual Health and Athletic Performance” and “Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (REDs).”

    - Research-driven, practical workshops aimed at skill-building and knowledge application for healthcare professionals and coaches.

    - Options for in-person and virtual workshops to ensure accessibility

  • Brand & Content Strategy Consulting

    - Strategic insight into developing health content and products that resonate with today’s health-conscious women.

    - Consulting focused on aligning brand messaging with wellness and sustainability trends in women’s physical activity & sports health.

    - Expertise in evidence-based health communication, audience engagement, and market positioning.

  • Athlete Health Consulting

    - Specialized consulting for teams, organizations, and coaches to address the unique needs of female athletes.

    - Focus areas include female health domains such as breast health, menstrual heath, pre and postnatal health & athlete safety and their implications on injury & performance, all grounded in the latest research.

    - Strategic guidance on program design, injury monitoring, rehan and prevention, and health assessments.

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